22 September 2006

update for the non-dutch II

you can say we are in mayan spirits. by now we have visited five mayan sites, some in mexico some in guatemala, and we both liked tikal the best. it is amazing when you think of it, the buildings which are now excavated are only around 10-20% of the total. the rest is still hidden in the jungle. you have an amazing view when you climb the highest one. and the sound (and view) of the monkeys being so close adds up to the quality of the experience, of course.

we have been staying in several hostels now and it works fine. sometimes we have a room by ourselves with or without private bathroom. only once we actually stayed in a dorm. we left the dorm earlier than planned, not because of the girls, but because of the beds were terrible. really, the girls sleep anywhere. we prefer to stay in hostels because most of the time they have a space to hang out, like a garden or a living room. sometimes we can cook there as well, but the food here is so cheap and good, that it´s not really worth the effort. we will cook a lot more in Australia, I guess. like the spanish, mexicans and guatemalan people we eat around two in the afternoon. evi has just woke up from here little sleep and aaf has been playing all morning, so we´re all hungry. in the evening we eat something small before putting them to bed.

we have met a lot of people already. and we meet them again in different places. ´hey, I know that face´. today I spent the morning with a dutch girl maevis which aaf met in our hostel. we went to have a massage which was really good! tomorrow we are going on a daytrip to visit an active volcano. exciting!

guatemala means land of the forest and you won´t be surprised if I tell you it is a very green country. travelling with the bus allows us to enjoy the landscape because it travels slowly. nice soft and round hills, not too much mountains and beautifull lakes and waterfalls. the people wear the most funkiest clothes you can imagine. all colours mixed with embroidery. every village has it´s own fabric. even the kids wear them. by the way, all the people here love kids. five seems to be the minimum. I already told peter he has chosen the wrong women to marry with.

in antigua peter took some spanish lessons to catch up with me (haha) so yes, laura, spanish it will be from now on. including aaf. she asks everything and forgets nothing. ideal student huh. next stop is lago atitlan, a very deep and beautiful lake which was born through volcanoes. there will be a separate post with a map and pictures later on.

well, tell us what else you want to hear from us and don´t forget to keep us informed about your whereabouts, too.


Anonymous said...

hi caep
We hebben onze nieuwste wereldburgster Flora mogen aanschouwen, en weer een wondertje off course..we missen jullie wel, maar zijn ook af en toe verbaasd how time flies..Jullie zijn alweer ruim anderhalve maand "onderweg", en weet je het bizarre is dat het voor ons slechts anderhalve maand is (of tewel van de ene schoolvakantie in de andere), en zeer waarschijnlijk voor jullie a total different world off experience...we blijven genieten van jullie berichten en hopen that everything is ok, tot dusverre geen doubts about that.
geniet allen, and hope to hear you all soon..
XX Ellen

Anonymous said...

Hee mensen, goed te lezen dat het allemaal zo goed gaat. Het klinkt allemaal relaxed, fijn. Totnutoe kan ik het me allemaal nog herinneren hoe het was, alsof ik zelf even terug ben, dankjewel! Ik ben benieuwd naar de belevenissen van jullie in de komende oorden. Wat geweldig dat Aaf het spaans ze gemakkelijk oppikt!!
Met mij/ons gaat het goed, het huis staat te koop en de herfst is begonnen. Een vaal zonnetje schijnt nu ineens in m'n werkkamer, ook lekker.
Het ga jullie goed! Liefs, Jolien